The conductor lantern does not light and the sounds do not work when I press the bell button. The coach window lights work. Any ideas where to start troubleshooting?
Thanks, Ron
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The conductor lantern does not light and the sounds do not work when I press the bell button. The coach window lights work. Any ideas where to start troubleshooting?
Thanks, Ron
Replies sorted oldest to newest
Your set is lionchief right?
Ive had that car for over a year now but its still in the box....
I'd open the car and look for a disconnected power wire.
My set is one of the original sets... Not Lion Chief. But this car is more recent. About a year.
As Volphin said, time to take a peek.
When my wife picked up that car (6-36875) 6 or 7 years back, we had the problem with the bell button not activating the announcements.....however the whistle button would activate them, albeit hard to hear with the whistle blowing. Turned out some wires were just mixed up inside. Might help you.
Here's a parts breakdown of the previous version. If you type in your new version, all it lists for parts is the PCB.;CFTOKEN=85094126
Also, if I recall, there is an on/off switch on the underside of the coach. Have you checked that?
Well this is strange. I turned OFF the sound switch and the lantern came on and the speaker make one crackle noise.
So I opened in up. Everything looks to be in place and connected.
Except now the lantern does not work in the on or off position. I do still get a speaker crackle when sound is in the off position.
I checked the box and I have the LC version. But my set is not LC. So did I buy the wrong car?
The box says the announcements are controlled by your LC remote. You have the wrong car. You want a 6-36875.
Yep. You have the wrong car. The original sets had a different announcement car made to work with them. It said - This is the Polar Express. Runs off the Transformer. This car runs off the Lion Chief remote.
Sigh... Technology stinks.
Thanks all.
Yours even looks like the Bluetooth version...
The LC remotes are very inexpense!!
You can sell that one and get the right one.
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