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My current layout is 6x18. I have 2 seperate loops on different elevations. I'm debating scrapping it and starting over. I'm open to ideas and suggestions. I'm conventional power, no switches or sidings. I'm leaning towards 1 loop in some form of a figure 8 with a grade instead of an "X" crossing utilizing a wood trestle and some hills\mountain.  I'm also thinking about going with a mostly pink foam scenery on this attempt. I used everything from spackle to plaster of paris to expanda-foam on this setup so I want to try something different.

My current layout.
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That's already a nice layout!  What you could do, without ripping up too much of what's already there, would be to make the upper track two big reversing loops.  It's not a big change but it will serve to reverse the consist every other run, at both ends, and will make it more visually interesting.  I know there are ways to tweak power output on a grade so conventional engings maintain speed but I have never gotten into that, and I think it might be more than you are really looking to get into.


What else would you like to do?  I'm seeing a military theme, I think I would go with a troop transport set and maybe play that up - picking up enlisted men in small town america, traveling to a military base, factories producing airplane parts, maybe even put in a harbor with part of an aircraft carrier. 


I am getting ready to start over with my layout as well, and all I can tell you is that in many ways, less is more.  I tried to cram in too much, this time I am adding an elevated level but doing more with scenery rather than accessories. 

I don't get into prototypical running. On a smaller layout I feel switches and wyes take up unneeded real estate. I like to turn them on, and let them go.

I like mountains. I like tunnels. I like bridges. My goal is to have a longer run for one loop. I feel having some grades to make the train run an upper and lower path before completing one run on the track will make it more fun to watch.

I understand your desire for longer runs. I'm contemplating revamping my planned expansion to double the working length.

I have 2 loops, and I'm thinking I'll connect them and cross one to the other in back via grades and a tunnel. This will let the train go around the entire layout twice before ending up at the start point.

Drawback: Only one direction of travel for all trains on the layout unless I turn them all around at once.

Possible fix, 4 loops of track paired and crossing... Eats lots of space tho.

This makes adding loading areas for your freight and passengers harder.

I do agree with Rich, It's far more interesting to me with reasons for the trains to run.

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