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The lion chief 72 watt power supply has a plug to mate with the terminal track.  I want to run the power through the MTH terminal board not directly into the Fastrack.  Is there an adapter that I can plug into which will give me screw terminals allowing  me to use spade connectors to connect to the MTH terminal board.  If there is one what is it called?  What size do I need and where can I get it?  What size is the plug it self?

Thanks for any info you can give me


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I think RTR12 has your solution.  The issue of current-handling-capability of these adapters has come up in other threads.  From what I can tell, the 72 Watts = 18V x 4 Amps.  I came across this Velleman adapter that coincidentally says 4 Amps!  You might go through dozens of eBay listings for these adapters and never see a current-handling specification.  OTOH it could be there's one manufacturer cranking these things out with everyone else just putting their name on it...

55 21 barrel adapter




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  • 55 21 barrel adapter

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