I'm seeking opinions on the below track plans that iakobos has been helping me with via email. They are for an 8'x16' tabletop Fastrack layout. Even with my fairly limited space I'd like to keep my curves as large as possible to keep my locomotive options open as possible.
This design "Jody1" uses an O84 outer loop with an O72 inner. The switches are O36 and this is a concern of mine. I like the three spur "yard" but I'm wondering if I will regret the tighter switches?
This design "Jody2" is also an O84 outer and O72 inner loops and no switch or curve is less than O60. I like this because the larger locomotives can go anywhere on the layout.
This design, "Jody3" like the others has the same outer loops but we are back to the O36 switches.
The layout is a walk around type with only the left short side against a wall.
Maybe iakobos could add something that I may have missed. I want to thank him for all of his advice and help. He has been very patient with this "newbie"...
So what do you guys think? Any suggestions or advice would be very welcome. Please give me you input, I need it!!