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imageI wanted to make a new thread about my layout plans. I am going to use the corner of the room for an 8x13 layout. I plan on using 081 on the outside loop and 072 on the inner loop. My switches are #5 and 072.  I plan on using the two spur tracks above the turn table for my 611 and NS F units since they don't fit on the turn table. Not sure if I will keep the second siding track on the inner right or make it a single track. I will make shelves to hold/display the extra rolling stock below the layout as well. It will be a DCS layout powered by a Z4000 transformer so I can still run my conventional locomotives if I want to.

Whats does everyone think? It's simple which is what I'm after so I can have a lot of scenery. 


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Looks nice! Glad to hear you want a lot of scenery. The biggest negative I see in layout plans today is they are all track and no room for much scenery or buildings. After a while, the makers will get real tired of seeing nothing but engines and cars, with no real purpose other than to watch them go round n round the one train station on the layout. As you look thru the magazines, the best layouts are the ones with lots of scenery. Its good to see you are maintaining a balance between the two.  Best wishes!

I have an 8x12 running three loops (two are O72, the inside is O36). Main drawback I've had is reaching stuff in the middle. I have to have a foot stool set up to lean out there, or crawl up on the table itself, which I've done many times. It's harder in the back, because I'm 18" off a wall and my middle loop is raised with a bridge there. I've also got three of the Helper Hand claw thingies stashed around the room to reach out there ...

The primary issue I see above is the curve clearances. If you only run smaller locomotives and rolling stock, you're not too bad, but anything with overhang might hit unless you've got about 6" between the center rails. I do on mine, and when my Big Boy and Challenger come around opposite directions at times it'll make you cringe, but I've adjusted everything to where nothing hits, though at one spot it's about 1/2" or so. Same with my Centipedes and long passenger cars and 80' box cars.

As I alluded to above, I also hope you have clearance all the way around the table, or the whole thing is on wheels to move out from the wall when you need to get there.





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  • StillHollow8x12_072_Final: Still Hollow Junction

Hi Brandon,

Yours looks good. needs something to do. Passengers?

instead of just a runner, here is a similar design with more operations. One can run a train and make stops a pick-ups, while another is building and cutting in the yard.

Something behind a hill top left. Corners can have buildings.

The ends of the almost inner loop around the yard serve as the arrival departure tracks. Atlas O turntable and Roundhouse.

Atlas track, Ross Custom Switches

Just some ideas. SCARM attached.


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  • BCole 8 x 13 a
  • BCole 8 x 13
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