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Inherited from my Mother-in-Law!!! Highly recommended! You'd be shocked at how much you will use one! Just felt like sharing!




Absolutely right Bob .

I have one .   

I had a 20 car derail .  10 of the cars fell off the overpass onto the ' city park and small housing area '  .  Just happened in an area where i could have pulled a section out after pulling a swith and crawling under the layout for wire disconnect ...................😫

.................10 minutes with the ' magic crane  πŸ˜‰ '  and the consist was rolling again.

@Mannyrock posted:

If'n you guys had built your table with strong girders and lumber like I told ya last year, ya wouldn't need one of these.   You could just go up the set of side steps and tromp over to the derailment and pick up the cars by hand!    :-)


Manny , if I were a Middle School wide reciever instead of an NFL center size, I would use your advice πŸ˜„πŸ€£πŸ˜‚  πŸ˜‰

The first time I ever saw one of these being used in a hobby setting was a few years back at a local slot car hobby store (Main Line Hobbies, when they had a store/club in PA's Plymouth Meeting Mall) and it was utilized to retrieve those just-out-of-reach flyers that frequently left the track. Thought it was great!  Just thought I'd also mention the proprietor also built custom train layouts. It was a very cool place.

@Mannyrock posted:

If'n you guys had built your table with strong girders and lumber like I told ya last year, ya wouldn't need one of these.   You could just go up the set of side steps and tromp over to the derailment and pick up the cars by hand!    :-)


Yo, Manny?...

"Tromp"???   Really???



1. Informal. To walk with loud, heavy steps
2. To step on heavily and repeatedly so as to crush, injure, or destroy
I know those old photos of the huge display layouts at Lionel's New York headquarters...the shots with dozens of folks of different sizes...standing/stooping in the middle of the layout doing this or that...or absolutely nothing but posing...were influential to thinking about layout construction, but...
"Tromp"???...on your layout??...on my layout??....on anyone's layout???
BTW...I'm not sure what kind of 'grabber' or stretcher the local paramedics would have to carefully (?) tip-toe across the layout in retrieving this septuagenarian now entering his 'teeter-n-totter' years...IOW, losing 'vertical hold'!
good grief.2


Images (1)
  • good grief.2
@Tom47 posted:

Great for grabbing things out just out of reach.  My train table is strong enough to walk on but the amount of damage I could do is scary and would be real ugly fast.  Great tool.

OK  Tom.........for realism about a " Tornado Alley "  area ?  πŸ˜‰

Might sound too much like a Kansas layout but we've had some really good tornados come through central Pa.

@RJR posted:

I have a few different grabbers, some fairly good and other abominable, but I've never see one just like your inheritance.  Anyone know a source?

While several members have said they have one and it does the job, no one has really said which ones are good and which ones are bad.  To me, looking at the pictures shown here, you have to scoop under the car to grab it, maybe damaging the item.  One like this would seem to provide a better angle, although the pivot point should be closer to the claw.

ANPEN 32" Foldable Grabber Reacher Tool, Reaching Assist Tool for Elderly 0Β°-180Β° Angled Arm, 90Β° Rotating Head with Magnetic Tip, Lightweight Long Trash & Garbage Picker Grabber, Litter Pick Up Stick

Which would be good to pick up an Atlas Master Line boxcar without damaging it?  Can any actually pick up a large die cast steamer?

So many questions, so little time.

Actually, the inheritance looked good to be because it seemed to have a strong rigid scoop to go under the car and hold it.  I hate squeezing the car for fear of marring it.  I have 3 different types, and none of them would I trust with a loco.  I do have one cheapie which is lousy rotten, but I won't say where I got it because the seller might try to sue me.

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