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Any suggestions/tool suggestions on removing the truck? Need to replace the coupler and the screws for the new run are on the top instead of the bottom so I need to remove the truck to get to them. This clip seems to be impossible to remove



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If you have a wide pair of pliers sort of like lineman’s. Place one jaw on the truck pin and the other on the clip. Give it a squeeze and it may move enough to get a screwdriver or pick behind it to get it completely off. I used this method for years to remove chain masterlinks.

You can try getting a pick in the opening and pry out and up and work it off bringing it upward. GM steering columns had to be done that way. But they were more round than what your showing and moved easily once out of the groove. Once it moves out from the groove. Place a small screwdriver under it so it stays out of the groove and work it upward.

If you have a piece of scrap metal. You could notch it to resemble a fork. A quick tap with a hammer should send it flying. Might be best to do it in a clear plastic bag.

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