I’m living the dream….nightmares are dreams, correct?
I recently added 2 yards(spurs)-they are 14’ long-give or take up the space lost to turnouts and clearance; the bottom is a dual track, the top is a triple track.
So now I’ve got 7 yards (spurs)…Great great great greatity great 👍
Heres the nightmare part-I only have space to add one more yard (spur)
It would be above the two newest, and tie into the existing yard that’s above the rails that feed those two new yards.
Yes, boo hoo, I only have space for one more yard-
But here’s where the real nightmare kicks in-I have a Ross Double Slip Switch, a 4 way yard switch of unknown manufacturer, and Gargraves Turnouts 3 LH O-42, 2 LH O-72, 1 LH O-100-all remotes; 1RH O-42, 3 LH & 1 RH O-100 Manual turnouts
And my wife wants me to sell them-O THE HORROR 😁
She just does not understand that as long as I own them-the possibilities are endless-we could move, and I could use them; we could allow trains to run to other parts of the basement-and I could use them; I could get thoroughly disgusted with the current railroad configuration and tear it all down and rebuild it like the Six Million Dollar Man-“BETTER”
The real kicker here is I’m not a train seller…I’m a BUYER..
And there’s just something about selling train stuff that makes me as uncomfortable as a single banana in a room full of chimpanzees 😁
So, I’m eyeing that available real estate for another yard (spur)-OK OK OK
But I won’t be able to utilize all I have…
There is just no end to this nightmare
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays