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This image comes from the Atlas catalog. Does anybody know the track spacing required for it?  In other words, what is the dimension center rail to center rail of the parallel straight sections?  I’ve Googled this thing to death and apparently the dimensions of the Atlas 45 degree crossover are a closely guarded national security secret.

Many thanks in advance.


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  • CD5E4416-182E-41EF-B75A-8A933DCFF628
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I have a lot of Atlas O track and like it but there are a couple of key pieces the Atlas O system is missing.  An integrated double crossover is one.  You can't get a reasonable centerline-to-centerline spacing without doing the whole assembly together.  An 11.25° crossing is another: it would allow a #5 switch to turn out and cross a parallel track on a double-track line.  It would basically have the same footprint as Atlas's existing double-slip switch without the switching function.  It does seem backwards to have the double-slip switch and not the crossing; I think the demand for a crossing is many times that of a double-slip switch.

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