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Forgive the very rookie question.....

When designing a track ----say Atlas O using a 54 curve the switch sizes need to match the track curve size of the primary? (example Atlas 0-54 LH Switch) or do you match the track size of a the smaller loop (assuming it is feeding to a smaller loop of track)?


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If you're trying to form a crossover from one loop to the other, No, the switches can be any size as long as they match each other. For example, you can use 2 O-72 switches, 2 O-45 switches, 2 O-54 switches, etc. If you're forming a double crossover, then all 4 switches should be the same, but even then, they don't have to be if you're willing to add fitter pieces so the distance is the same. Note the Blue fitter int he example.



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Here is a terrible answer... it depends.  Download SCARM track/layout planning software it's free... and, it's pretty easy to use.  You will get the knack of it in four or five hours (don't do consecutive hours) and you will improve exponentially from there.

I have 045, 054 and 072 loops that all connect to each other one way or another with 14 turnouts (switches) ALL of my turnouts (lefts, rights, wyes etc.) are 072.  My feeling is that the larger the turnout... the easier the transition.

And Ditto to Dave's Point!

Last edited by Dennis-LaRock

I will echo what Steve H said. I found this out on my layout. I have a steam loco rated for O54 curves - it does well on the curve but has issues going through an O54 turnout. If you have not purchase track as yet I would recommend looking at Ross for your turnouts. The reason is shown in the attached figure.

I think this is the reason Atlas supplies a 4.5 in straight with all turnouts - to mitigate the short sharp curve.

If you like Atlas O track you can use the Ross O64 turnout with Atlas O63 curves and have no issues as shown below



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