Anyone know when the newest comet cars are supposed to be delivered? they dropped off the atlas delivery schedule on their website and the last I heard from a retailer was back in July they were getting re-boxed.
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Don't know but if they are more of the 21 inch cars it won't matter to me, too large for my layout. Now what would be nice for us NJ folks with limited space would be a shorter version (not like the lionel version) that can run on 042 curves.
@DashingDanLIRR posted:Anyone know when the newest comet cars are supposed to be delivered? they dropped off the atlas delivery schedule on their website and the last I heard from a retailer was back in July they were getting re-boxed.
We are waiting for the replacement packaging to arrive. As soon as it does, the reboxing will commence.
Curious as to what was wrong with the original packaging.
There were quite a few models that were damaged in transit, so rather than ship out cars with a high chance they would be damaged, we had the packaging improved.
They are out there now.