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While I know this topic has been widely discussed, I thought I'd throw my information out there for anyone who is interested. No I haven't made anything synchronized to the chuffing of a steam engine. All I have done is make some basic circuit diagrams and a quick video to help walk people through the process to make fan driven smoke work with a Blunami decoder. The method I use consists of a solid state relay and an assortment of mini dc/dc buck converters depending on the specific smoke unit being used. Feel free to check out the diagrams attached and in the linked google drive folder. I have a short video going over the concepts and the two main types of smoke units. Hopefully someone finds this helpful

Blunami Smoke Diagram Folder

Separate FanAll in one diagram


Images (2)
  • Separate Fan
  • All in one diagram
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@RRDOC posted:

Thanks, Sid.  Great video and diagrams.  Could you comment on adding a steam loco puff feature?  Do you simply insert a cherry switch or reed switch between one lead of the smoke fan and its Buck converter?


Unfortunately with Blunami there is no way to digitally sync the puffing to the chuff sounds. The board has no input or output for that. However if you would like to mechanically trigger the fan based off a magnet switch or a cherry switch that could be done. It would just be inserted between one of the leads to the fan and the buck converter. Do note this won't sync if perfectly all the time.

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