Jim, layout looks good, two parallel long runs with crossover switches and inner switched loop. This can be wired for three train operation, two outer loops and one inner loop, and crossover between loop and parallel long runs. The Monon steamer from Mr. Muffin nice detailing, the green carpeting from Lowes also looks good seems easy to cut and butts up the the rail ties quite well. I will definitely consider using this carpet roll, I will check if its available also in brown. As we talked on the phone, seeing the thickness of the green carpet, the use of Luan(floor underlayment) would raise the top of the road above the grass. I have the same issue using this grass, therefor, the sheet butt joints were you want to place the road con be overlaid with Elmers interior wood putty and sand smooth. You can mask off the road width and intersections with masking tape and use a paint roller to paint the road(asphalt or concrete). To texture the asphalt a grit can be added to the paint. You will decide the road type based on the era you are modeling also we discussed some paver brick roads that were built prior to and by the WPA under FDR. Keep in touch you have my phone number. Also you can have one master end control panel facing your overall layout, makes wiring much easier to build and operate.