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It's been a long time (10+ years) since I've worked on the layout, but since I'm working from home these days I decided to get the layout up and working.  

Well - the engines won't make more than a few feet at a time before stalling out.   I'm running DCS and I'm pretty sure it's gunk on the rails.  What's the best way to clean Gargraves track?



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If it is gunk and not corrosion, I use Goo-Gone followed by a dry wipe. It is what Lionel recommends.

If it is corrosion, I would use a scotch-brite pad, but be aware that it is an abrasive and recommend a vacuum run afterwards and if done too strongly may actually wear away any protective factory coating on the rails (if the corrosion hasn't beaten you to it).

You can see others thoughts here:

Next to note would be that it may not be just the tracks fault - the locomotive may also need a wheel, pickup, and general servicing for optimal electrical contact and performance.

Last edited by bmoran4

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