Allan says he has had no problems with his P3 engines however, don't know if I am just gun shy or if there are some real problems with the P3 stuff.
Wait! This just in!
Last night I gave my new Alaska RR Galloping Goose (MTH PS3) a first run on my home layout. The little bugger hesitates and/or stalls out on every FasTrack switch I try to run it through. And, although all the customary sounds seems to work--bell, horn, destination announcements, etc.--I haven't heard any "cab chatter" sounds even though I left the thing in forward/neutral for well over an hour.
And may I say that I HATE having to go to the computer to download/read the full instruction manuals for these trains! I pay good money for these things and I expect the manufacturers to kill a bush or two to give me a full manual with each engine I buy. A generic "diesel" starting brochure for a Galloping Goose just doesn't cut it!