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You may also want to search this forum for Diamond Scale Turntables.  Key to Diamond Scale was a floating bridge, all engine weight, was supported on the pit rail.  The turn drive, did just that, turn, with minimal down force on the center of the bridge. When parts were available, Bowser had a very good, detailed/handrail kit, and turntable electric arch.  As the hobby changed from detailed build-it-yourself. to out-of-the box- in operating condition, the TT market also changed, IMO, Mike CT.

1.  Another search, Millhouse River Studios. A very good complete turntable, with additional detail kits.  There are also templates  Bowser, to Korber House, If my foggy head is still working.

2.  You may want to contact Ross directly, they had done a kit for upgrades, Key to any Bowser upgrade, was to replace the 3/8" drive shaft, with a larger drive shaft, that did not bend.

3. Ross most likely would want to sell you a new Ross TT.

4. Another search that would yield information. Korber Roundhouse.  Original Bowser TT's were paired with Korber Roundhouses, and matched (I think ??? the 15 degree engine stalls ???).  30" Bowser TT to at least 3 engine stalls.   4 or 5 Stalls, probably better.

5. Have fun with your project, Mike CT. Unfortunately, a lot of TT threads, were posted 15, to 20 years ago, (IMO) long lost, as old forum information is deleted (IMO).

Last edited by Mike CT

@scottyhubcaps FWIW, I have a 24” Bowser TT that I bought many many years ago. After upgrading with a kit from Millhouse a few years ago it works really great! I control it with my Legacy via a TMCC AMC (accessory controller) and since it is within easy sight, no need for indexing as it can creep very slowly to come to a stop using Legacy.

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