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@T2Deal posted:

definitely leaning on separating the tables and having 'bridges' between them - thus extends the layout - and allows me to include the bridges - two HellGates - and some other types.   Still thinking about it....

And might give you an access pathway to get in the "middle" of the layout and reach things, too.

Yes - you can get it online, lowes, home depot - etc...  I opted for the smaller 2 ft X 2 ft by 1 inch thick.  The Lionel tables have 1 inch availability between the top of the table and edges - so that works.  Instead of buying the larger sheets which are 4 ft x 8 ft - the smaller pieces are easy to work with.  I used a GOCHANGE 3 in 1 foam cutter to fit the pieces - and that worked great.


Images (1)

most recent update - downloaded RailModeller Pro app for MAC to play with some layout options.   I am still considering separating the tables and installing the HellGate bridges between them which adds 30 inches to the width (86 inches x 146 inches/7.1 ft x 12.1ft)?  or keep them together as is with w 86 inch x 116 inch/7.1ft x 9.6 ft? or flip them to make 172 inch x 58 inch layout/ 14.3 ft x 4.8 ft? also contemplating adding a train yard? using the turntable I received many years ago (will post pic later).  first thing first - see the attached which is the first design 86 inches x 116 inches - no separation of tables - see left lower switch which will attached to the expansion train yard.


I have been traveling so little to no work on the train layout.  Good news though - while traveling I worked on some ideas for extending the layout - decided to add a larger table extension that will be in the room behind the table - see pics above.  That room is a nice size and will house not only the Lionel transfer table but it will include the new Millhouse Turntable that I ordered yesterday -

Many of you know of Millhouse and its owner Alan.  He was fantastic to deal with and has so much information to offer - I am going with the 34" turntable - working on the new table extension diagram - working on ideas to connect the 'yard' to the main lionel train tables.  I am toying with combining the two Hellgates back to back to serve as the connecting elevated section?  or will get a hold of a trestle system to serve at the connecting section.  I will continue with some thoughts and post pictures as it takes flight.

I need to build the table extension section.  I used the NILO as a prototype for the Lionel transfer station but understand that new table needs to be much bigger to house the yard that now will have the turntable and transfer table.

thanks for your patience....  as I continue with this adventure

Douglas aka "T2Deal"

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