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Here is a layout plan for a holiday “under the tree” layout, that doubles as a good first train layout expanding from a Lionel Fastrack set, with plenty of time for construction and testing before the "Big Day".   The layout can go under the eaves of a Christmas tree, but can also be attractively positioned in the corner of a room with a tree further behind in the corner.   The layout foundation is from a single sheet of 2”-thick 4’x8’ lightweight extruded-foam sheet, allowing the layout to be easily moved (with structures removed) from room to room, and carried and stored under a bed, in a closet, or in the attic.   The lightweight layout can be placed on a dining-room table or on a bed for temporary use and during construction.   The layout is 3’6” wide and 7’8” long, with the corners trimmed at 45-degree angles for easier maneuvering while creating hand-holds for lifting and carrying.


The Track Plan

In less than the footprint of a 4x8 sheet of 2” foam, this track plan uses most of the pieces of a Lionel Fastrack starter set, with a small set of additional track pieces.   The layout plan is more interesting than just an oval, but without being too complicated or expensive.  And the plan is easy to assemble for a first-time layout, either for use as a temporary holiday layout or as a movable child’s layout.   Here, the plan has two long sidings using two turnouts.   But rather than simply use two O-36 turnouts as first jumps to mind, this plan uses an O-60 LH and an O-72 “Y” for a smoother plan that will allow backing of traditional cars with fewer frustrating derailments across the turnouts.   This plan adds another element of interest with the gentle indented curve in the front and the “Y” turnout, while the back side is a straight alignment.  There is room for industries or holiday ceramic buildings, a bit of scenery, and room for additional creativity, with a road for driving vehicles by hand.  Finally, the oval uses O-60 curves as easements, making the curves look broader while easing a fast-running “hotshot” train into the sharp O-36 curves.

Pieces used from a Lionel FasTrack Set:

  •                                             Used          Unused
  • O-36 45-degree curves          6            2
  • 10” terminal section              1
  • 10” accessory activation       1
  • 10” straight                             1            1


Additional FasTrack Sections

  • O-60 curves              4
  • ½ O-72 curves          3
  • 30” straights             2
  • 5” straights               3
  • 5" lighted bumpers 2
  • 1-¾“ straights           2
  • O-60 Left-Hand Turnout           (with 1-3/8 “ fitters)
  • O-72 “Y” Turnout                      (with 1-3/8 “ fitters)



  1. The layout surface:  The foam sheet is first measured and cut, and then a sheet of Woodland Scenics grass mat is glued to the surface (suggest using Gorilla Glue).  This grass mat has a flexible vinyl backing that works to deaden sound vibrations generated from fast trains running across Fastrack (the foam sheet itself helps with minimizing sound).
  2. The Fastrack sections are assembled and tested on the layout board (by running trains, of course!), and then the location of the drywall anchors are marked by driving a nail part-way through the Fastrack screw holes into the foam. The Fastrack is then lifted and slid-aside, leaving the nails standing to visibly indicated the anchor holds.  The anchors holes are then widened with a punch or skewer, are then anchors are screwed into the foam sheet, after first running a few drops of Gorilla Glue into each of the anchor holes.   Allow a day for the glue to set.
  3. After the glue has set, the Fastrack sections can be attached to the foam board with screws into each anchor, which can later be unscrewed for future changes and expansion. This construction using glued drywall anchors and screws holds the Fastrack securely, and can withstand lots of rough play and layout movement and tipping the layout onto its side.
  4. The layout is next wired, slicing openings in the grass-mat and running wires concealed beneath the vinyl grass-mat.
  5. Connect train power and lighting power, and test the layout operation.
  6. If for use as a winter Christmas layout, white fiber matting can be arranged to cover the grass with snow-drifts, which can be removed for a summer scene.
  7. Buildings are next positioned, and lighting power wires run. Then trees can be added, inserting the trunks through the grass-mat and into the foam sheets with a drop of Gorilla glue to hold them in position when transporting the layout.
  8. Remove the buildings to move the layout to its intended location before re-placing the buildings.
  9. Add trains and run!

Pics of the use of drywall screw anchors in foam to be added.  Suggestions and comments most welcome!


Images (2)
  • M48F_V10_42x92_V2b
  • M48F_V10_42x92_V2a
Last edited by Ken-Oscale
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