Originally Posted by Michael Hokkanen:
My new layout will be 10'x12'. My first one was a FLAT 8'x8'. I might try to add some contour with this one. My wife, on a lark, bought my first trees which were a mid summer green deciduous variety. I have followed suit with additional tree purchases throughout. I now have several hundred trees.
Now I am wondering how it would look to take a corner of my layout and "winter" it up a bit? I don't really think I could go high enough elevation-wise to do the mountain top snow scene. I thought that just a little linear distance would suffice for the illusion.
Any opinion on how this might look? Have any of you tried it?
Hmm, well the easy answer is the least fulfilling: Its your layout, do what you want!
Of course I cringe when I hear that non-answer, but I figured it needed to come out.
Next, as said a view block, you could have a narrow foot of a mountain popping out that the train tunnels through, and voila! On the other side it's SNOW!!
Another thought, try having a small transition zone. Maybe right side of layout is summery, middle bit is more fall colors, left corner or so is SNOOOOOW!!
I know you have all those trees, are they evergreens? Maybe some are oaks, etc, and some cans of orange and red paint will make their leaves change colors quick.
It's a lot to cram into a relatively small space, but if you want it bad enough you'll make it happen. Personally I think the mountain spur with tunnel makes a good transition. Think of it as The Wall from Game of Thrones.