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Oh that OMI ATSF SD40-2 snoot nose is just to die for .  Love the C44-9W in red/silver warbonnet paint as well.  I want to hear some sound come out of them now .  I wish MMW would get cranking on their SD45s/-2s so they can jump to the SD40-2s.  I take it this modular layout is analog, i.e. DC.  Great post!  Keep that modern stuff coming...


Scott K.

Austin, TX

Originally Posted by Erik C Lindgren:


Colorado High Railer that's my 1915 Ford Foredoor that we used to go train watching on the Moffat Line last night. I mistakenly added it. I will leave it up- great little car. Original bands and crank start a fun toy

That must have been quite an experience!


Layout looks great and very nice equipment!  I like the MOW equipment.


Thanks for posting.

I do believe the Forney Museum contains Mr. Forney's collection of automobiles and railroad locos and cars.  From their website:  


Anything on Wheels!
Antique Cars, Locomotives, Buggies, Bicycles, Motorcycles,
Rare & Exotic vehicles, and more... 

The Forney Transportation Museum is a one-of-a-kind collection of over 500 exhibits relating to historical transportation. It began with antique cars, but soon expanded to include vehicles of all kinds. Some of these are familiar, while others spark the imagination.

Absolutely! That's what the hobby is all about. Anymore I enjoy watching the other guys running trains than doing the ops. I spent 8 years as ops director at the Denver union station layout; I think I burned out a little. So I've been thinking about going back into building and modeling again. I miss the DSMR layout so much. Fun wonderful years of my life I will cherish as long as I live.

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