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I got a used SC-1 (my first) from eBay and have not had any luck making it work with my Lionel icing station.  A picture of how I wired it is below.  One post of the icing station goes to a dedicated accessory transformer, and the other post goes to the aux1 connection on the SC-1.  The corresponding COM connection of the SC-1 is wired to the U post on the same transformer.

I am using a Cab1-L/Base1-L system.  I believe the common connection of the Base1-L is finicky on where it's attached.  I've tried the Base1-L connected to the common of the dedicated accessory transformer as well as my main transformer.  In neither case does the green light on the SC-1 light up.  I've never gotten it to light even after restarting all the steps.  And, just to confirm, my icing station runs just fine when connected directly to the accessory transformer.  In the chance that the green light on the SC-1 just doesn't work, I followed the programming steps, and the SC-1 doesn't operate the icing station.

Any thoughts on what to try?  I'm thinking the SC-1 is bad.

Screenshot 2024-12-20 135107

Last edited by texgeekboy
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Bad idea.

SC-1 was not very robust and uses small TO97 style TRIACs on the output. They are not idea for much current and the longer pulses needed to activate an Icing station.

Edit- your picture or diagram of the SC1 wiring did not show up- at least when answer this.

If you have no light of any kind on the SC-1 it's not powering up internally and cannot activate unless it has has power. I don't know if this is a wiring problem or a bad SC-1

What I was referring to is that SC-1 outputs can be damaged by loads. They can fail a number of ways, either being stuck on regardless of command, or never turn on because they are burned out.

My casual recommendation is use the much more Robust SC-2 in this application, and the SC2 also has the option for a small transformer input.

  • Programmable to control four switches AND four accessories together OR six switches OR 12 accessories
  • Controls up to nine programmed routes
  • Toggles accessories ON and Off
  • Controls switches from several manufacturers
  • Power supply included
  • Communicates with the Command Base without the need for wires
Last edited by Vernon Barry

Just for fun, went to review the SC-1 manual and see at least 1 area where you might have a problem

SC-1 will accommodate switches
and accessories drawing up to a
MAXIMUM of 1-amp load per switch or

If your SC-1 serves only as an acces-
sory activator (no switches are connect-
ed), you must power it with a 12-volt
Lionel wallpack (part no. 610-2860-020).
When powered, SC-1’s green light will

Again, I think you are in a situation you need that small wall wart power adapter powering the logic of the SC-1 since it is not using "phantom" power borrowed from the typical track switch situation and wiring.

@texgeekboy posted:

@Vernon Barry,

Thank you very much for an understandable and very prompt reply.  I was trying to get this to work before the grandkid comes on Sunday.  Oh well, I'll just do it the old fashioned way and look into SC-2s in the new year.

Where exactly would the power and ground connections from the wall wart go on the SC-1?

That coaxial jack-

Also see


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Thanks again @Vernon Barry.  One of the links you provided showed me the exact specification of that wall pack, 12 VAC output with a 5.5/2.5 inside/outside diameter of the plug.  I was able to find a transformer with that exact specification on Amazon for around $11, and it's coming today with free delivery to boot!  I might be able to pull this off yet!

Assuming I get this to work, I only have the freight station I would add to it.  I have no switches, it's only a long oval track.  If I can get a real setup (it's on the gameroom floor right now) with some switches, the SC-2 looks much better.

To add to what Steve posted: I opened both my SC-1,and SC-2.  It seems the SC-1 attempts to output a higher current through TRIACS, whereas the SC-2 does it easily through more robust relays. This is ironic for me as it flies in the face of what a college professor told me (and that I have generally found true), ".  .  . that anything you can do mechanically (via relays) can be more efficiently and reliably done through solid state (TRIACs)".  Hmmm . . .

No, it has to do with the SIZE of the TRIAC!!!!

SC-1 uses these tiny versions

A TO92 sized TRIAC could never- regardless of tech- short of being super cooled to superconducting- carry 10A that a relay can.

SC-1 used the same TRIACS an R2LC uses- good for "a" light, a coupler.

SC-2- second generation- they learned from their customers they needed a heavier duty unit- Relays was what people requested and that's what you got- 10A rated relays.


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