I'm changing over from Realtrax to Ross/GG, and attempting to expand my layout a bit within a rather tight space. I can use part of 16x12.5 ft room shared with some furniture, so can either have a 12x8 U shaped layout or a 16 x 7.5 L shaped layout. I've attached PDF's of my latest attempts at designs, and would appreciate any comments on the designs. My interests are split between watching a couple of trains run around and actually working a few scenarios. Right now I'm a bit partial to the 16 ft L layout because the yard layouts are larger and I like seeing trains in long straightaways. Thanks in advance
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Well you have used up every bit of available space that's for sure. I would go with the 16 foot design but consider what, if any, scenic options are open to you given the large amount of track included in either plan.
Really too much track and not enough though given to space required for developing scenery which is essential for a successful model RR.
What are running? I used Atlas O curved O72-O54 switches and ripped all 4 out because since I run semi-scale and smaller scale engines, the engines could not stay powered over the power gap at realistic slow speeds.
I'm usually a track-heavy urban scenery type guy, and I agree that both plans are a little track heavy,
I like the larger plan better.......but I would take out some track to have a fiddle yard lead so you can work the yard and not foul the main.
I appreciate all the comments so far. I was afraid I was creating a "spaghetti layout", but I had so many ideas I wanted to implement - this is what I ended up with.
Some of my goals are to have 2 trains running simultaneously, long straightaways with parallel track, reversing loops, and sufficient yard and spur track for a couple of industries, and room to get rolling stock and other locos not being run off the 2 loops. Peter, in effect, I guess I'm using the long yard spurs as fiddle space within the layout - I have no other option for that other than removing the extra stock by hand. I'm kinda stuck with the curve limits I have, unless I go to multiple levels, and I haven't found that level of ingenuity within me to date. I am more interested in running trains than real serious scenery, I guess. Based on other layouts I've seen on line with similar size constraints, I didn't think this was that busy.
I'd appreciate any other tips or suggestions.
Forgot to mention - I'm running mostly MTH Railking/Imperial locos. With the Realtrax switches I was using I never ran into stalling. I don't have experience yet with Ross stuff.
Just had a thought, along the lines of Peter's suggestion. Using the 16 ft layout, what if I created another level under the main one on the right hand side, moving the yard track underneath as sort of a fiddle yard. I could extend the track leading to that yard through a long loop under the right side, and complete the yard towards the front side of the long side of the layout. That would free up most of the right side for scenery, maybe a small town or set of industry, especially if I moved that reversing loop below as well. Some discreet lighting would allow visibility underneath. I'll try and see how that looks on RRTrack.
Sorry but this layout plan is a NIGHTMARE.Your going to have trains crashing into each other all over.Cut that amount of track in HALF.