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Being out of business for several years, now, CTT's track planning templates are the stuff of flea markets, estate sales, garage sales, .......and, of course, York meets.

I'm not aware of another  pencil/paper/plastic planning template currently in production.  Besides, not every brand of O3R has the same components/dimensions, which was a weakness in the use of CTT's template.  RR-Track's planning program provides libraries of each manufacturer's products....and tries to keep them up-to-date.  There are other downloadable planning programs, I suppose.  They all have a so-called learning curve.  I was fairly confident to proceed on the basement plan after about a week of doodling and experimenting with RR-Track.

Others will have thoughts, I'm sure...


Last edited by dkdkrd
dkdkrd posted:

Being out of business for several years, now, CTT's track planning templates are the stuff of flea markets, estate sales, garage sales, .......and, of course, York meets.

I'm not aware of another  pencil/paper/plastic planning template currently in production.  Besides, not every brand of O3R has the same components/dimensions, which was a weakness in the use of CTT's template.  RR-Track's planning program provides libraries of each manufacturer's products....and tries to keep them up-to-date.  There are other downloadable planning programs, I suppose.  They all have a so-called learning curve.   ...

Could not agree more!  And I had one of those CTT templates, but I don't know where it is anymore -- otherwise I'd give it to you if you REALLY wanted it.

But I would strongly advise biting the bullet and getting familiar with RR-Track.  I've been using it since the days it was distributed on 1.44MB diskettes!  

The thing about any of these software programs is they become so second nature that you won't know how you ever did without them.  And if you're like me, you won't even explore any other alternative programs once you get good with the one you start out with.

I enjoy working with RR-Track so much, I even have a small Mac-mini computer running Parallels w/Windows 7 where RR-Track runs without any problems whatsoever.

But if you're already a Mac user with no previous experience with any of the software layout design programs, I might give RailModeller Pro a serious look.  I think it's available thru the app store, and there's a free demo version too called RailModeller Express.  But for $40, you can get the real thing.

Take the plunge... You won't regret it.


Last edited by Rocky Mountaineer
Don Baird posted:

I am looking for the CTT track planning template.  It seems to be out of production and I haven't found it at any train shops.


Not only do I have the template, but 2 of the Layout Design Sheets put out by C.T.T. Inc. to use along with the Template! 

These Sheets are 18” X 24” with 1in squares to match the Template! These sheets will allow you to design a Layout 16’ X 23’ . I will let those go for an additional $5.00.

I have used this System to design 3 different Layouts. The only additional cost to you would be shipping!

Again my e-mail is in my Profile.

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