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54CAA598-FC1F-4DFA-9165-01AE175BE3FFHi Guys, I recently sold a Golden Gate depot El Capitan lounge car on eBay & the buyer asked if I can convert it to an Amtrak Pacific Parlour car. So here’s the work I did to bring this to life.

more posts to follow, here’s a YouTube video link.


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  • 54CAA598-FC1F-4DFA-9165-01AE175BE3FF
Last edited by Dj'sOgaugetrains
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So here’s some pics of the process, starting with cutting & painting styrene strips, then gluing them to the car sides. & cutting a rectangular piece for that pacific parlour logo, then I repainted the trucks to match Amtrak. This was done by adding some grey to metallic silver paint.

walls were painted brown, then stained with an acrylic wood stain & interior repainted to better match the prototype.

I then used styrene to build the wine & cheese bar, added figures, and rebuilt the LED lights recycling the capacitor & bridge rectifier from the original  GGD board.

then I reassembled!


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Last edited by Dj'sOgaugetrains

For those of you with Golden Gate Depot superliner reservations….. Any interest in seeing if Scott will make these cars? I emailed him.

Only if I can buy individual coach and sleeper cars. The GGD Amtrak El Cap are rare with less than 25 sets combined in both runs. And it was like "pulling teeth" for Scott M to do the Amtrak sets. More wanted the traditional SFEl Capitan sets.

Only if I can buy individual coach and sleeper cars. The GGD Amtrak El Cap are rare with less than 25 sets combined in both runs. And it was like "pulling teeth" for Scott M to do the Amtrak sets. More wanted the traditional SFEl Capitan sets.

That’s Amtrak heritage. The car I made matches a modern Amtrak consist & would compliment the Amtrak superliners up for reservation on the GGD websight now. The pacific parlour cars were painted in phase III, IV, V, & VI and would not match the Amtrak El Capitan set from a few years ago.

This is very impressive work! Your client showed this off on FB (Amtrak Modelers) and we all loved it! I want to begin a project on a CB&Q diner soon, but where on earth can I find current O-scale Amtrak stripes? Or did you make/paint them yourself?

A buddy of mine made the decals & mailed them to me. I don’t know if any correctly sized Amtrak parlour car decals available.

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