Its been a coming... I made my buildings and have all the track to finish many switches will be on this , Two train operation , I just repaint the attic and built the bench work. Next is the top to finish and the bottom I will enclose the front with drywall and paint to match the room
I am making a L shape layout this time and using old school tubular track. the design of the layout is from one of the forum member than was kind to print out I made it into a L otherwise its the same except longer.If you look at my post you will see his design I will make .
Every other layout I had in the basement was the same bench work I used 3/8 plywood and used homosote but I 'm not sure if they sell it at lowes or busy beaver or home depot
Would the 1/2 inch green or pink insulation board the new stuff be Ok.. On top of the plywood