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I haven't used the explorer for a few months, been busy with too many house & yard projects. Pulled it out for the Christmas layout. Went online for the manual and I saw the firmware update, but here's the pinch.

The explorer shows up on Wifi when the switch is set to the 'MTH' position. However, it doesn't show up when set to 'Home'. Tried several devices- laptop, tablet, phone. With each device I refreshed the scan several times, rebooted the unit several times by removing power, did a hard reset. Nothing. Tried it without wires connected to the track like the LuCi update section states, and then tried it with wires connected to the track. Switched back to MTH, restarted and it showed up. Switched back to Home, restarted and still never shows up on the Wifi networks.

The lights blink like they should on boot up. And the wifi light flickers occasionally like it's looking for a Wifi network itself.. 

Any ideas?

Last edited by Quietman
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Where are you looking? When in Home position, you need to look for it in a web browser.

Regardless, connect to it in MTH mode. Then, do the update via a web browser. Use the URL

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