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I sent my dcs out to mth to be fixed for the signal and it couldn't find engine so I got it back yesturday hooked it up worked great today it started doing it again. What am I doing wrong . It say no engine fvound on any engine I put on. Using varable 1 with jumper to fixed 1 now if I put it to varible 2 with the jumper to fixed 1 it works fine and finds the engine. And I was wondering am I having these problems because I am using a postwar zw to power it and I use zw 250 to power voltage to o22 switches withtmcc hooked to it.this seems to be the second time so it must be me . Help please
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While ensuring that the TIU always has power, connect a short piece of track to each channel in turn and do a DCS signal test with a stationary engine and note the readings.


Any channel that yields something other than 9 or 10 indicates a defective channel.


If all signal strengths read high, then the TIU is fine and the problem is elsewhere.

Originally Posted by Lionel J:
 Using varable 1 with jumper to fixed 1 now if I put it to varible 2 with the jumper to fixed 1 it works fine and finds the engine. 


This sounds like you are using variable channels (instead of fixed) to operate your PS2/3 engine in command mode. 


Is there some particular reason you're doing this?


The fixed channels are the ones intended for command operation. 

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