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I have the wiu and tiu combo. my pet peve is with all these mike wolf store demos. why does he not go into engine lasups.

I dont have any calms or issues running single engines with the app. were I do have issues is when I have lashups or to be correct two units MU together.

issues are as follows...

#1 using the engine mute button ony mutes the lead engine sounds. the second units sound does not mute.

#2 adjusting the overall volume only lowers the lead engines volume most of the time.

#3 there is no crossing signal in the sounds menu.

#4 lighting fuctions for each engine. how come you can adjust the lead loco only,but not the other locos. especially the rear loco in the consist. I do realize you can address each engine separately and do this,but why do they not allow you to do this in a lashup.

#5 also the engine menu screen got wonky on me when moving the locos from the inactive list to the active list. at times when tryin to call an engine from inactive to active the botton all the way to the right disappeared and I could not move the engine.

#6 the playable horn on my ps3 gp35 is acting funky in lashups. I have two ps3 gp35 engines that I run in a lashup back to back. I forgot about them having the playable whistle feature. So I addressed each engine and turn on that feature on both engines.

Then addressed the lashup and no whistle or crew announcements period. The engines acted up again. So went back and turn the feature off on both engines and got all the sounds back.

Is this just me or are others having app issues like me. by now I would think mth would at least have these bugs worked out in the app. Perhaps they are unaware or still working on the app issues. Like I said running a single loco the app works as it should,but more than one forget it. Lashups still need work.

If the app worked 100% then yes it blows the hand held out of the water as far as setting and accessing all the engines  features more efficiently and with faster ease.

If you have any issues let me know I am not alone here. Your comments are welcome. Maybe we can get these issues to rich and dave so they can look into them. I really want to use the app but with these issues it still the remote for me at lest untill the app is functioning like the remote at 100%

Last edited by Lionelzwl2012
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I think the reason store demos don't normally include lash ups is the same reason they don't include routes and scenes, etc.  Of course, lash ups are more complicated and require better track signal quality, better wi-fi signal quality, and also require the engines are feature reset so you're starting from a known state.  Bottom line is, it's just a practical matter.  I will try to answer your questions or, at least provide some insight below.

  1. The "engine sounds" button is actually not a true "mute" button.  It literally goes out and reads the engines volume, saves it, and then turns the volume down to zero.  When you hit the button again, it turns the volume back up to the prior setting.  This was implemented this way for single engines.  Repeating this process for multiple engines can be problematic and slow in the original DCS Remote.  We agree this is worth looking at to see what improvements can be made in lash ups.
  2. See above.  Again, we can take a look at how to improve volume control (and toggling sounds on and off) in lash ups.
  3. There is no reason crossing signals cannot be added to the lash up sound list.  I suspect when we did this, not many engines included crossing signal sounds and so, we left it off.  These signal sounds are only played by the lead engines so, it has to be present in order to work.
  4. The path to custom lash up lighting, sound, smoke, and other features is as you say, to go into those member engines and make the adjustment.  What you are asking is for the app interface to provide access to each engine in the lash up independently.  While this could be done, this is complex which equals expensive when talking about implementation in the app. 
  5. Depending upon wi-fi and track signal quality, etc., moving engines between the active and inactive lists can get wonky.  If there is a repeatable bug, we can squash it but, unfortunately, not enough info here to offer an opinion as to what caused the issue for you.
  6. Not sure what is happening with your playable horn(s) on your GP35s in a lash up.  We would have to do some testing here.  Agree it should work.

In terms of your overall experience with the app and lash ups, we allowed the app to get a little stale for a few years there during our transition.  And by stale, I mean in terms of keeping up with Apple and Android operating systems.  The most recent release was brought up to speed to some degree but, there are some work arounds in there.  We are now going back and refactoring both apps (essentially re-writing sections that are older) to make them more stable and reliable.  Also, given we are now shipping the new WTIU hardware, we will be looking into persistent bugs, opportunities to add meaningful features, and improving overall operability in the apps. 

And, for people that prefer the tactile nature of the DCS Remote, why not a new remote that operates on wi-fi? 

We appreciate the feedback.  Stay tuned!


Can someone with a WTIU test the E-stop function from the app. The question is not about how it stops the train(s) but rather, once E-stop has been pressed, what is the sequence of actions required to be able to run trains again?

Asking this, because the TIU required powering down the TIU. If connected to a WIU, the TIU would remain powered across the USB cable, so you either had to unplug the USB cable or kill all power to both the WIU and TIU from a power strip or unplugging.

Again asking because the WTIU integrates the WIU function and has that power supply. So did the WTIU firmware function change compared to the previous TIU and no longer require a complete power down after E-stop to reset and be able to run trains again.

@rtb posted:

I tried the E-stop on my new WTIU.  To recover, power must be removed from the auxiliary input of the WTIU.  Removing power only at the fixed 1 input does not recover from pressing the E-stop button.  I didn't try all 3 other inputs but I'd guess the results would be the same.

Thanks for testing and confirming. IMO, this makes e-stop a royal pain, good news is there is a setting in the app to hide it.

mth R&D if you are checking this thread periodically thanks.

I have played with the app more so here is my lashup thoughts after your comments and my testing.

I see addressing individual engines and ajusting there sound settings is not as bad in the app vrs. the remote.

one nice thing is in the engine menu screen all three engines show up. let me explain here. both engines in the lashup and the lashup itself that I have created.

this makes getting to the individual engines to make ajustments much faster. then when adressing and going back to the lashup is also just as fast.

the only issue I am having sound wise in doing this is in the lasup screen itself. let me explain...when I address the individual engines and get the sounds to my liking on each engine.  then go back to the lashup screen. the sounds are fine until  I ajust the overall slider button at the bottom of the screen to raise or lower the overall sounds for the lashup.

it does not funtion correctly. buy that I mean it makes all my sound settings wonky. one engine will be louder than the other and some engines sounds settings in the lashup go back to 100% volume.

this is annoying and thus I have to adress each engine again and fiddle with the volumes to get them back to where I want them.

I live in an apartment and can have the volumes louder during the day. when running later in the evening I like to turn them way down. hence why I need to use the slider at the bottom of the screen.

my two lashup engines are ps3 es44's. the track is clean and powered by lionel 180w bricks. my signal strength is all 10's.

the sounds can also sometimes get wonky and stray from where I have set them. when I power everything up from being shut down hours before.

if you could look into this that would be great. maybe you have seen this in your testing. btw saving lashup state is in the handheld remote via the softkeys. it is not in the app softkeys. maybe that would help here. no sure though.

other than these issues the app is working quite well for me. also just a suggestion for future app updates.

could you maybe put +and - boxes on all the volume slider ajustments at each end all well as the slider dot. this make for more precise one increment ajustments.  this would make fine minut volume ajustments easier. just my two cents here.  thanks you again for looking at improving the app and getting it right.

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