I'm setting up a double ended yard. I branch off into the yard from an Atlas Left #5. I got "gutsy" and connected another atlas Right #5 to the left hand making an "S" curve. I have a cut of 10 cvd grain hoppers,5 5161 Atlas Master Series,(all CSX),and 5 Atlas 4750s. I couplerd my MTH GP40 to them to give them the "Ultimate Test," and all went fairly well. I leveled up the track coming immediately off the 1st yard switch then gave the cut of hoppers another run through pushing with the GP40-not good. I got 1 5161 that kept derailing. Finally I put this hopper on the end of the cut the 1st car to enter the switch,this time no problems whatsoever. I'm only guessing but am wondering if the length of the 5161s in the "S" curve of the 2 turnouts was to much strain on the wheels & couplers causing the derailment? I know the rule is to have a length of track corresponding to the length of your longest car between "S" curve turnouts,but being this is low speed switching,& since Atlas has pieces of straight track at the fronts & ends of each switch,I thought this might be ok. What's REALLY got me puzzled is,the 2nd ladder switch seems to have more derailments than the yard switch in the "S" curve and it has plenty of straight track in the approach.
In crossovers between mainlines, is it better to use Atlas #7.5 turnouts?
Thank you all in advance for any advice you can offer.
Al Hummel