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@FJI posted:

Inspired again by John Rowlen’s work I have begun detailing my passenger cars So far I have done Both diners and the observation and RPO cars In the dining cars the first course is Manhattan Clam Chowder soup I welcome your ur comment s


Your end effect through the windows of the cars is GREAT! Where did you get the furnishings for the RPO such a cubby-hole cases, et. al. or did you build them from scratch?

I have now completed detailing my Lionel 21 inch NYC twentieth  century passenger cars I was able to Purchase the interior of an MTH combine car on the bay and used it as a source for the seats needed to fill the empty spaces on two of the Pullman cars as explained in John Rowland post on dealing with this issue I also added a sink to one of the cars but added an extra seat to the other Please take a look and then let me know your thought on how they turned out IMG_3494


Images (13)
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