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Originally Posted by domer94:

so im starting to crunch the numbers on swithces .. i will be needing quite a few for my plan. i notice a significant difference in price between the ross staandard and "upgraded".  is there that much of a difference and what are the added bennefits of the upgraded remote machines



Where are you seeing a reference to "upgraded"?  I'm on their webpage and I see RossReady, which states that they are pre soldered underneath.  Is that what you mean?

I'm sure you're looking at the same thing I am, so forgive me if I'm telling you what you already know, but it looks like Ross comes as manual, with a DZ switch machine, or TMCC compatible, also the RossReady prewired switches.


I guess the website says it best, "...choose between Manual, and RossReady w/ either the DZ1000 or DZ2500 W/ direct TMCC compatibility)

(RossReady switches come pre-wired soldering!)

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