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Incredible find!  After looking for years and just recently purchasing a pristine1937 I came across this incredible set and just could not leave it behind.  All original 1937 700e with 700t tender and rail chief cars.  Loco and tender work when tested with original boxes. Photos are not great and I will take better ones when I have some time. I might be tempted to sell the loco and tender for the right price as I do not need 2 of them.  Let my know your thoughts. 

Loco and tender


s-l1600 (44)



All original boxes


Images (6)
  • Loco and tender
  • set
  • s-l1600 (44)
  • cars
  • cars
  • All original boxes
Last edited by Rich Melvin
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Private collection since new and passed down from father to son and then listed for sale and I purchased it.  Son sadly did not have an interest in railroading. Now I am fortunate to own 2 1937s 700es;  a 700ew and 700e set.  What a find it would have been if it would have had the original set box and track (they are looking for the track for me they did have it so time will tell . Not pictured, but it also has its original inspection card, Lionel Brochure book and catalog. 

I am no appraiser, but I have followed these locomotives and their prices. They range from $2500-5500 for just the locomotive. This loco being a 1937 model has seen better days. The zinc pest has pretty much made this a shelf piece. The cars look to be in very nice condition. Paint looks good and I don't see much warping of their frames. The fact that the boxes are still alive and well is just amazing. So long story short I would personally say this set is worth $7000-9000. Again I am no appraiser, just using my knowledge of the market to make a judgement call. Amazing piece overall, but not a runner. Shelf piece. 👍👍

As far as the warping, the photo makes it look much more than it actually is as I was not level when I took the photo.  It is all original and the casting has no cracks or rust, but it does have a slight bend.  Tender is mint and the cars are amazing examples of original survivors with all windows in tack and clear markings.  The boxes are crisp, solid and have inserts.  The only non original tape is on the exterior (masking tape).  I did pay up for them, as it was not a garage/estate sale where somebody didn't know what they had.  Just curious to see what people think a set like this is worth. 

I tested the loco and tender and both operate.

I have to go with Sid on this one, and I’m not one for sugar coating things.....that Hudson looks to be just about a goner.....shelf queen at best, and barely passable at that....she’s warped up pretty good....that would turn my stomach ......if I had owned that set, I’d most likely use a 18005 700E from the 90’s and change the cab number and distress the newer model, maybe blacken the newer model’s parts to better suit the era and the cars.....that set ain’t worth a whole lot as it sits IMO .....I wouldn’t want to look at a crooked Hudson all day long....


@harmonyards posted:

I have to go with Sid on this one, and I’m not one for sugar coating things.....that Hudson looks to be just about a goner.....shelf queen at best, and barely passable at that....she’s warped up pretty good....that would turn my stomach ......if I had owned that set, I’d most likely use a 18005 700E from the 90’s and change the cab number and distress the newer model, maybe blacken the newer model’s parts to better suit the era and the cars.....that set ain’t worth a whole lot as it sits IMO .....I wouldn’t want to look at a crooked Hudson all day long....


I am with you on that. It's an amazing survivor, but not the best it could be. I have the 1990 remake and it is a good set as a runner. If you want it for a shelf piece, you got a winner.

Yes 38s had a different castling and later models did not suffer from zinc pest issues for a host of reasons.  The vision remakes of the original are beautiful runners.  I would like to find a 1940 700e set with the cars, one can dream lol.  Happy to see younger people like myself getting into the hobby and enjoying it!!!


Images (1)
  • 1937 Lionel 700e
Last edited by Jfabs
@Jfabs posted:

Yes 38s had a different castling and later models did not suffer from zinc pest issues for a host of reasons.  The vision remakes of the original are beautiful runners.  I would like to find a 1940 700e set with the cars, one can dream lol.  Happy to see younger people like myself getting into the hobby and enjoying it!!!

I would call being 17 young 😂😂😂😂. Yeah I'm having a good time. I got the 5340 and classics remakes of the Railchief cars. Then I have bunch of other Hudson's.

Yes well you have plenty of time to research and find some quality originals if that is a goal of yours in the future.  I looked for a few years before I found and had the money to buy a pristine 700e and then a month later I came upon this set.  When i clean it all up I will take better photos of it. Check out my other one.


Images (1)
  • 1937 Lionel 700e
@Jfabs posted:

Yes well you have plenty of time to research and find some quality originals if that is a goal of yours in the future.  I looked for a few years before I found and had the money to buy a pristine 700e and then a month later I came upon this set.  When i clean it all up I will take better photos of it. Check out my other one.

Beautiful. My local store has two. A 700k with the kit cars and then a 38 700e with the Railchief cars. They will likely be mine one of these days. I have some little deals with em.

@Jfabs posted:

Wow great!  Just curious what are the price tags on those because neither of mine were cheap lol.

The 700k set has most of the boxes, bit the tender and engine have warpage. Other than that it is ok. It has a price tag of $9500 that I worked out. The 700e and cars are amazing. The locomotive is like your pristine model and the Railchief cars are outstanding. Not a single mark or missing part on them. The box is also included with that one with a pamphlet. That set is $12500.

Last edited by Sid's Trains

Nice def investment grade quality and something to pass down later in life after you acquire them.  I also have the inspection card, info brochure and original catalog with the set and all boxes except the set box, so I am estimating my sets value at 8000 to 9000.  Like anything, value is what someone is will to pay for some they like/want.   I will be having my 2 locos and set professionally appraised in a few weeks so I can protect/insure it within my home.   

That set looks amazing. Very nice condition, though it is very obvious it has very bad frame warp. The cab is bent back and the front cowcatcher is touching the ground. This set will likely just be a shelf piece, at least the engine that is. Anyway great set. Your one step ahead of most. You actually have a 700e

The "cowcatcher?" Really? Come on, folks. This is a modern steam locomotive. It does not have a "cowcatcher." It has a "pilot" which is the proper and correct term for this part of the locomotive.

Every steam locomotive made from about 1890 onward has a "pilot" not a "cowcatcher."

Thank Eddie!

@eddie g posted:

JFABS, I would say with the boxes and the cars you may get as much as about $3,000 to $4,000, maybe more. It's really hard to tell if you haven't seen it up close. The engine & tender boxes go for a lot of money if they are bricks.

Thanks Eddie! I appreciate your input and knowledge.  Not sure it it changes anything but I also have the original inspection card, brochure booklet, 37 Lionel catalog and 16 piece curved  t-rail track in 2 solid boxes marked 771-7 as well.  I am missing the 4 straight track pieces but I am sure I could find that somewhere.  The tender in the set has no wrap and whistles well, the cars are incredible for original parts and paint and the loco is not as warped as the photos make it appear, so I will take better photos when I have time.  I have another 1937 5433 with serial number that is almost flawless and fully operational as well (that I also just got and cost me 4 grand)  I have a photo of that on here.   

It’s a beautiful set, no doubt.....but that locomotive just makes my eyes, your other 700 that you showed off earlier ....ooooolala.....very nice!....I just can get past that cab drooping......beautiful boxes, stunning cars.....TBT, it don’t matter one tinkers darn what I think, as long as you’re happy, that’s all that matters!..I am glad for you, .....that set is one of my white whales as well......


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