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I was thinking of a small suitcase that would house six Fastrack switch levers, an MTH Z1000, but most importantly an interface (connectors, jacks) for the layout that is easily unplugged and plugged as needed.  Combination Conventional and Bluetooth operation.  No command.

Has anyone made one or seen a plan for one that you can share?



Last edited by Craftech
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A plywood base to fit the suitcase would hold everything in place. For wiring connections there are many options out there. You could build a short harness that rolled up and fit inside the case with a matching cable to connect to the layout. If you want a cleaner look then cut panel mount connectors into the side of the case and build a separate harness to connect to the layout.

A quick search came back with all of these options.

@Craftech posted:

Thanks Bob,

Have you tried any of those multi-pin connectors to recommend   This would be for frequent use, say a few times a week.


I have not recently John. Years ago I did stage lighting and rigging and we used a lot of portable equipment. The heavy duty Amphenol connectors were our standard but we were in a high use, heavy duty environment.

Some of the modular groups on the forum can probably offer their expertise. The River City 3R's have a nice portable set up.

@RSJB18 posted:

I have not recently John. Years ago I did stage lighting and rigging and we used a lot of portable equipment. The heavy duty Amphenol connectors were our standard but we were in a high use, heavy duty environment.

Some of the modular groups on the forum can probably offer their expertise. The River City 3R's have a nice portable set up.

Sounds good Bob.



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