Finally got back to finishing my control panels. These will be laser cut in acrylic, thinking track lines in Blue and background in Orange. the holes are lasercut 3 for each turnout; one for the momentary contact switch and the other two for one Red and one Green LED. These will be connected to a DZ-2500C controlling circuit board (shown in another thread) that will control all of the DZ-2500C switch machines. No need for the DZ-2501 controllers. The text shown will be laser engraved or scored.
I added additional sense/proximity LED, or rather thinking of. These would be RED LEDs connected to isolated sections of Gargraves track; so that as wheels short the isolated track, the RED LED lights. When no wheels are present on the isolated track, the Green LED ignites. Thus, indicating the presence/non-presence of a train on that section of track. I have as switch on certain isolated spurs to disconnect that spur. These could also control signals on the layout itself.
Wondering if anyone else has proximity/ sense lights on their control panels?? Given that DCS maintains power on the tracks are sense lights needed?
Upper line