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Good Morning,

I am starting new layout construction.  I have essentially a 14x12 wall runner with the exception of one side where there will be either a drop bridge or a lift bridge for entry.  What I'd like to do, I think, is build the layout in full first as a duck-under, then cut the 24" bridge section out and put it on hinges so that it drops and can be left down when not in use so that my lovely and supportive wife can get to her stupid and pointless plants.  My question to you is, do those of you with closed in layouts prefer drop bridges or lift bridges and why?  Thank you so much for your thoughts.

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Between those two options

I would recommend a lift bridge.  It's structural natural state is closed and supportive of whatever locomotive you have on it.

A drop bridge assembly, in the rare possibility the latching mechanism fails, will seek it's structural natural state which is open.  If bumped or broken dropping it open then gravity would do the rest resulting in what could be a potentially expensive physics lesson and shattered locomotive.   You'll also be less likely to brush against and break whatever trestle you built when walking through.

Last edited by WITZ 41
mike g. posted:

I thought about both, then realized that I had a better chance of hitting it if it was dropped down, do I built a raise bridge. Here is a short video of it. I goes high enough to clear the sides of the doorway once its in place.

That is truly excellent, sir.  Really tremendous!



clem k posted:

I did a swing bridge or gate. It never falls or in the way. If you have the room In my opion its the best. and it doesn't have to look like a bridge.


Do you have any pics of this that you could share at your convenience.  I really like this idea as well, I'd just be interested to know how its supported in such a way that it doesn't sag in the same manner that my pectoral muscles do.  Thanks!

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