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Maybe I've been staring at my old G scale Delton southpark doozie too much, but an idea is hatching in my head to take my bachmann On30 rail bus and trailer and repaint and rename her in DSP&P RR. I can find the san juan 2 color lettering, but will need a herald of some type to go with those, but it's that maroon paint that escapes me altogether.

Anyone have any ideas? 

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A few years ago, I was looking for a color match to pre-1875 Baldwin "Wine" (mentioned in the article above).  David Fletcher, a well known expert on old locomotive colors and paint schemes, is a friend of mine, and he recommended Tamiya TS-11 Maroon as a very close match...;I=LXRS54&P=7


While I can't say how close this would be to non-Baldwin equipment, it may serve you here.  I later sprayed a piece of brass with TS-11 and had it color-matched for my 1-1/2" scale 4-4-0 in automotive acrylic, which gives a good idea of the color...


This is as close as I can get to matching the delton DSP&P doozie{G scale}. I can assume that Jim M{depot G hobby} had delton make the color as close as possible to the right one, but that's pure speculation on my part given the non correct dual color DSP lettering and the added fictional south park line crest...on a fictional piece.

I like the tamiya color you showed Dwight...I'll have to look into that next time at the LHS.


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  • doozie 001
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