Hello Frank G !!!!
Thanks much for your comments on my decades of modeling work. Yes, you well remember my many magazine articles of decades ago, on my HO and later (since 1985) O-Scale NYC EL Layouts. Glad to see you drop by here ! You and I go back, what over 25 years now ! Here is what you wrote about me in your reply to another poster on the old SUB TALK FORUM on April 22, 1998 -
Posted by Frank Gatazka on Wed Apr 22 12:39:35 1998, in response to HELP! For My model subway-Believe me, it's BIG!, posted by Jack on Thu Apr 16 18:41:29 1998.
I have built a small (2' X 16' and growing) HO Scale modular elevated line that is based on NYCTA prototypes. It is entirely elevated, on scratchbuilt structure that is based on the Third Avenue El (Bronx, above 200th St.). Currently there are two stations, a two track, center island terminal, based on the Ditmars Blvd. Sta. in Astoria, and an outside platform local station that is based on the 67th St. Sta. of the Third Avenue El (Manhatten). The structure is detailed with third rails, guard rails, signals, signs, etc.
You can see some photos of my work at Mr. Pat Villani's web site at www.iop.com/~patv/railroad.html. Mr. Villani is also in the process of modeling an elevated railway based on NYC prototypes. Check the list of references on his home page. I provided these to help other modelers.
>>> If you are truly serious about this, you must try to obtain any and all articles by Joseph Frank. Mr. Frank is the undisputed "guru" of rapid transit modeling, having built extensively in HO and O scales. His current O scale layout (now located in Philadelphia) is breath taking! <<<
A subway? Sounds very difficult to do. Perhaps you can model it as a cut section. Try to visit the Vanderbilt Mansion and museum (The Breakers Carriage House) in Newport, RI. The museum model builders did a credible job of modeling the subway under Grand Central Terminal. GOOD LUCK!
Frank, you may already know of my current Photo websites of my Layout - but if you don't, here they are below:
https://www.flickr.com/photos/44268069@N00 (Main Photostream Site)
https://www.flickr.com/photos/44268069@N00/sets (My Photo ALBUMS Site)
This BELOW personal website for my Layout replaced my old MSN Webtv Website (the one with the poor res photos, heh) back around 2 years ago - with all new digital hi-res computer-loaded photos in the new site:
My Layout Photos Websites get a logged 20,000 + worldwide visits each month !
Likely many readers here are totally unaware of YOUR 20 + years ago first class modeling endeavors in HO Scale per your large NYC EL Layout you built and all those beautiful HO Scale brass and resin subway cars you fully detailed and finished. So I am posting some photos I saved of your great layout, Frank !
I saved these a decade ago from our old and now deceased pal, Pat Villani's old and long defunct Model Sub Talk Forum site. Sadly Pat's site was closed many years ago and Pat died August 27, 2011 of the cancer he previously valiantly fought for a number of years. I will look for other photos of your layout I saved in a different file and perhaps post them.
Again, very GLAD to hear from you Frank ! Keep in touch ! ...... Regards ! - Joe F