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August 9th, 2014
Eastern PA 2 Rail Scale and High Rail Train Show and Swap Meet, Strasburg PA

Come one come all to the Eastern PA 2 rail O Scale swap meet and train show August 9th, Doors open at 9:00 am. The show is over at 1:00 PM dealers will be open until 1:00 PM

High railers welcome Admission at the door is $5.00 Wives, Children, and Active Military with ID are free! Come enjoy good Lancaster County hospitality and Amish style cooking. No smoking on the premises. Visit the Strasburg Railroad, Pennsylvania State Railroad Museum, or spend a night at the Red Caboose Motel.

Location: Strasburg PA Fire Company 203 W Franklin St. Strasburg PA 17579


Dealers attending:


Bob Lavezzi - All About Trains (NJ) 

Jack Mc Garry - Allegheny Scale Models 

Joe Foehrkolb – Baldwin Forge 

Bruce Blackwood – Burrett Hobbies

Ray Kaminski- Crusader Rail Services 

Bob Buck-GSI- O/G Scale installations 

John Pletcher – Iron Horse Engraving

Mike Rahilly – Just 2 Rails 

Lynn Hammond  - Laser Cut Kits

Bob Jones Models 

Dave Vaughn-Nickel Plate Models

Glenn Guerra – O Scale Resources On Line Magazine 

George Peckman – O Scale Supermarket

Brian Scace / Marty Brecbiel -  O Scale Trains Magazine 

Bob Heil – Sunset 3rd Rail / Golden Gate Depot

Ron and Ellie Rosenberg   -  Rons Books 

Rich Yoder – RY Models 

Stan Richmond – The Car Works


 Additional table holders in attendance – (not inclusive of last minute registerations)

Dale Blake

John Blanda

Frank Buonaluto

Roger Cairns

Bernie Duerr

George Eshbach

Jim Hawk

John Hutnick

Carl Jackson

Frank Kozempel

Guy/Katie Krivanek

Tom Mapes

Chuck Ostroff

James Pope

Wilbert Prattis

Al Pusey

Rich Randall

George/Patty Repenn

Art Selby

George Smozski

Gary Smith

Attalee Taylor

Tom Thorp

Mike Williams










Rich Yoder

7 Edgedale Court

Wyomissing PA 19610-1913

(H) 610-678-2834

Original Post

Replies sorted oldest to newest

I have been informed that a sizable amount of trolley & traction items from an estate will be at this meet.  I’ve been given a list of manufacturer's/importer's products which will be represented in this estate:


Car Works



Chicagoland Hobby



Cope Town Car Works


Northwest Shore Lines

Ken Kidder




Rail King



I am given to understand that there will be 4 tables of items including switches, poles, structures, and magazines as well as brass items other than trolleys.

Just got back,  Had a long 56 minute drive.  There were 110 tables and a crowd all morning.  The parking was well into the over flow lots. 


quick overview:

Bob Heil had Sunset well represented, Alleghaney Scale models had tables full of great deals, Karen Lavezzi & her friendly helper were doing a brisk business moving a lot of stock. they  had a wall of super prices, Good bunch of traction, some guy with a bad hair day was selling a lot of magazine subscriptions.  Plus a wide assortment of books, variety of  custom buildings, builders plaques, oddles of details and maintenance parts, broad selection of conversion wheel sets, DCC installs, a lot Atlas track and #5 & #7.5 turnouts.  Super engine and car pricing plus two big blobs of stuff from a pair of  estate sales. 



Just about the best place to hold a train meet.  Fantastic everything.  Food, lodging, the Strasburg RR, smorgasbords galore, TCA headquarters, miles of outlet stores, family style dining, Pa RR museum which is now double the size,  entertainment, did I mention the food?


Took a bunch of photos, any interest in me posting them? tt

Thank you for posting those pics!

I have always wondered how that show was. I should have gone.

She wouldn't have let me buy all that I wanted anyways. I see a couple grand worth of stuff on those tables for me. Who's switchers are at the last pic?

 We went to Ohio and I was disappointed. There was almost nothing to buy. After going, I was then told it's mainly a show for smaller scales.

I have spent a ton so far this year. I built an outdoor RR and storage.

I truly hope to make it there soon. Time's coming for O scale for me.

Rich Yoder and John Dunn..GREAT SHOW.  I have been attending since the very first one, and this show only gets better and better. I always have a great time, and usually end up with an unexpected "find."


Tom- great pictures. You really captured the look and feel of the thing.  More than you realize;  In one of your photos you can see a good friend of mine has just beat me to Rich Yoder's table by about 30 seconds, and is about to buy a really cool heavy duty flat car with a nicely done scratch built stator (from a generator) load.   I spent most of the trip home trying to talk him out of it, but to no avail. 

Last edited by John Sethian
This is one fine venue, just a first class host and facility!

Indeed!  This show is steadily growing and I'd guess moving another engine outside might have to be explored to accommodate its popularity at some point, even in the slow month of August.


Thanks to all that stopped by the OST table, bought their back issues, and purchased subscriptions.  Your continuing support of your magazine is greatly appreciated!

Dear Forum Members,

     The 08/09/2014 Strasburg Show is now history with it fond memories of great friendship, conversation, Amish food and, of course, that special buy you could not resist.

     Our table count at 105 and attendance at approximately 115 established a new record for our show, and a summer show to boot!

     Rich,Patty and I would like to thank each and every one of you for participating as without you all, this fun day would not exist.

     Rich and I negotiated the Strasburg Show dates for not only 2015, but also 2016 to help you all in your vacation planning.

    Strasburg 2014(remainder) 11/15/2014

    Strasburg 2015 dates- 04/18, 08/08 and 11/21/2015

    Strasburg 2016 dates- 04/09, 08/13 and 11/19/2016

We had O scalers come from all over our great United States and United Kingdom.

Also special thanks to Rich Melvin and OGR Staff for allowing this promotion of our show on the OGR Forum.

Next meet for O scalers- 09/06/2014 Cherry Valley MRR Show- Merchantville NJ.


Once again, Thanks !!!


John P. Dunn Sr, Patricia Dunn and Richard Yoder

Scale2 Rail Promotions, Inc.





Last edited by jdunn
Originally Posted by jdunn:

Dear Marty and Tom,

      I updated the Strasburg calendar to reflect the 11/15/2014 Show.

Marty, Chris Crane will be putting info on Forum when back from vacation about the CV Merchantville Show.


Thank you, John

Excellent.  I'll want that to post over on the OST Forum.

Originally Posted by Erik C Lindgren:
Who is this guy?

Nice houses!


He got some coverage in OST from the East Penn meet last year - can't remember the name immediatedly, but it was in that past issue.  I have one of his smaller kits for that garage on that you see on his table now on my bench to use for a review for OST in a future issue of the magazine.

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