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Hey everyone, 

My layout is progressing well, and I'm ready to start my elevation.  I have three parallel tracks along the backside.  I have an incline/decline on both the right and left side.  My original plan was to build two tunnels and mountains on those sides.  I might only build one.  My main question is, I have about 14 ft that I need to keep/want elevated in the back.  I thought about putting bridges all the way across, but now I think that might be too much to have that many.  Should I do a decline/incline in the middle and make a valley? All bridge? Also, I'm afraid that the piers on the bridges will affect my middle line.  I'd like at least one or two bridges and just do elevated trestles in parts too.  I can do a small trestle incline decline to get it up a little bit in the middle line too.  What do you all suggest? Thanks?


Images (1)
  • City with bridge
Last edited by RobRiehn
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Bridgeboss Jim posted:

Hi. Just a thought.

An ELevated Bridge might look nice.

jim r

elcx-15.0 w 3 tracks 90 in long front viewjohn schesny l shape w elcx-15.0 w stations back iso

Could you give me more information, please?  I just redid my plans to allow for something like this.  I would need something 11ft long.  Only one FastTrack width is needed. I would like at least a 6-inch clearance on the bottom level and the next level be 6.5 inches from the ground, that would be great!  I could use MTH piers the rest of the way.  How much would something like that cost?

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