Unfortunately that was short lived. I fired it up this afternoon (several times) and I'm right back where I started. Again, everything else seems to function except sound although it's just static sounds or silence now (or alien communications), Lol. I do hear the faint cab chatter through all of the noise though. However, when I hit the shut down button the normal sounds kick back in for a regular shut down sequence. I didn't take the time today to put back on my bench to see if it matter there, maybe tomorrow.
Well folks I'm sure what to think about this whole dilemma. I put this engine back on the bench and it's working just fine, go figure. Back to the layout again and it fired up and went berserk. I then placed it around various spots on the layout and it worked just fine. I then went back to the spot I first tried it on and this time it worked.
Thought I'd do a follow up on this issue. Still works fine on the bench. However, out on my layout I've done a dozen or so starts ups and have had a 50/50 ratio of good/bad starts. I finally pulled the shell and went about reseating all of the harnesses. Had six good starts to date. Fingers crossed.
Another update: after a dozen or more successful starts this 44 ton is acting up again. This time as before it starts up fine and after about 5 seconds the sound drops out, all other features work just fine. It does have a different spin this time though. In forward or reverse it emits the smoke alarm tone when it gets to 4/5 scale miles per hour and then goes silent when dropping down below that speed or stopped.
Any benefit in sending this to one of the experts for testing or should I just order a new board (if available)?
Sounds like bad board. You did the flash and sound file reloads right. G
Are these boards repairable? If not I'll have to see about getting a replacement, if available.
I doubt that one is.