Building a branch line RR I never made allowance for larger engines. However in recent years several had crept in while I was not looking and kind of took over the interchange engine yard like invasive ivy. Then it occurred to me to fabricate a add on finger module in the staging area.
Problem one was a lack of space for conventional whisker tracks so I built an arc shaped series of tracks fanning out from of my 30" TT situated off scene in the staging room. The curved tracks permitted minimum aisle loss yet still allowed five lengthy storage tracks. Following are a series of photos showing development.
Original 30" TT
Spiral easement template to establish out of way centerlines.
Trimming the basic foot print.
Finishing off the edges.
Mocking in a four track layout with an up graded 32" TT.
Checking fit up with frame work installed.
Ultimately decided on a five track arrangement to ease the crowded interchange TT in the main room.
This new arrangement keeps the out of place class 1 power hidden off scene.
H-8, T-1, T-1, Class A & FEF resting out of view.