well, too many projects and im starting late, but here we go. still painting the living room that you see (all white). primed the entire thing. wish the wife would let me paint blue skys and clouds for now! haha not going to happen! so no backdrop for me now.
Got the old platforms from last year and modified them to make a 5x11. The plan is to have an upper level also where you see the coffee can. the tressle level there will be the area where I design the upper level. I think I might even do another tressel on top of that. not sure yet, but im in the laying out. outer loop is O-54 and inners are 031 curves with part of O54 on the tressle loop.
we'll see. I still have to built the upper level and layout the Superstreets. I have 2 PCC trolley and a bump and go. might use the bump and go on a straight line back and forth. I have 2 superstreet vans that I want to go through the town.
I have to dig out all the buildings and set that part up also, but it will be a city theme with mountains. and a stream/lake. not alot of room, but should be pretty cool.