Hi everyone,
I'm trying to work out a layout on the living room floor (xmas holiday package delivery to the tree gets the railroad more right of way than usual
, and the natural fit for room obstacles is a two track mainline using 048 inner and 060 outer curves. 072 is too big, and 036 too tight from some of my rolling stock. Since I haven't bought any 048 yet, I was wondering if anyone could help with the following questions:
1: Switches. I have 0-60 switches I can use to create the crossover between lines. Is the spacing between these 2 radii a challenge for this? I remember reading somewhere that 0-60 switches where the odd fit in the program due to some geometric reason, at least vs the 048 or 072 switches?
2: I'm assuming they are the standard parallel spacing around curves, but might anyone know if that means 2 tracks can fit through a Lionel Hellgate bridge like they do with 2 radii of the old tubular track? (I suspect not organically and I'll need to create a bottleneck for the bridge)
Thanks! Silly questions, but not having any of the track to fiddle with I thought I'd ask before buying...