Hi everyone. I'm new to this and moving from the standard oval to a new rectangular 5' x 11' layout. I have the benchwork done but am struggling with finding a layout that I like. I'd like to be able to run at least two trains at once, and be able to change both directions. Down the road I envision a mountain in each rear corner and the rear line across the back to be elevated. I'd like to have room for a town and an industrial area and or yard for non-operating trains. I attached two layouts I've been tinkering with but am not wild about either one at this point. I wish I could figure out how to utilize a wye at each end to help with the reversing issue. It would open up much more space. Thanks for any suggestions you might have!
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Kind of hard to offer suggestions for those of us who don't have the AnyRail software. Any chance you can upload some jpg images?
My layout is 5x10 but I recently added a 1' extension to half the front kicking it out to 6' at it's widest. It's two loops with reversing options and room for multiple sidings. I've attached the SCARM file (SCARM is a free program, similar to AnyRail.)
The one concern I have on your layout are the O31 curves. This will limit you on certain engines and it also creates some clearance issues because a decent sized engine and longer rolling stock create some big over hang issues. I ditched O31 curves for that reason.
You could extend the right side of my layout by 12" and put a small yard inside the figure 8 loop on the right.
My layout is 5x10 but I recently added a 1' extension to half the front kicking it out to 6' at it's widest. It's two loops with reversing options and room for multiple sidings. I've attached the SCARM file (SCARM is a free program, similar to AnyRail.)
The one concern I have on your layout are the O31 curves. This will limit you on certain engines and it also creates some clearance issues because a decent sized engine and longer rolling stock create some big over hang issues. I ditched O31 curves for that reason.
When you save the file, right-click, use Save Target As and change the extension to .SCARM if necessary. If you already downloaded it as a .txt file, simply change the file extension to .SCARM and it wil open in SCARM just fine.
When you save the file, right-click, use Save Target As and change the extension to .SCARM if necessary. If you already downloaded it as a .txt file, simply change the file extension to .SCARM and it wil open in SCARM just fine.