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Well, I though I had a layout all planned, but then my wife said something, in addition to some other comments I've had here, and so I'm looking at starting all over.  But this time I might be able to go for bigger curves then just O36.  Anywho, being I'm a mechanical engineer, and haven't liked any track planning software I've tried, I'm using SolidWorks to design the layout.  I have created all the curves and straights no problem.  But when it comes to the switches, I'm running into a problem.  I have manual O36 switches already, but none of the other sizes.  I'm hoping some here that do can help me with some details about them so that I can create them as well.


First, in the Lionel catalog it gives the length of the straight like for the O72 switch.  Question is does that 15-5/8" include the removable extension or is it the length without it?

Second, this one might be had to describe.  Is the beginning of the turnout at the edge of the switch, or is it a distance from the edge.  I know that on the O36 the curve starts at the edge.  Without buying a switch and curve of the other sizes I can't lay the curve on the switch to find out.  I was going to assume so, except that one layout software I looked at showed the curve start a distance from the edge, which made trying to line things up hard, and impossible for me to model the switch without spending money.

Thanks for any and all help.  Once I have all the models made, I'd be happy to share to those that would be able to use them.

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I'm not sure if this will help (maybe partially?), but for O72 switches, if you do not include the extension piece, I'm pretty sure it matches up with an O72 curve starting from the same common end.


I noted this when I was learning FT and was frustrated at the minor geometric impurity caused by the need for the extension pieces.  I was (am) very used to O72 tubular where an O72 switch could drop in anywhere a curve was previously.


Of course, an idea I played with (not sure if you would model this both ways in CAD for flexibility) was that I found taking a (comparatively) cheap O72 curve and hacking out a small section of the roadbed let me mate it directly to the switch without the extension.  This re-gained the purity of the circle.




PS.  As to the question on the length, I just measured an O72 switch, the length of 15-5/8" includes the extension piece.

@SHEP16, I just sent an email to the listed email on your profile.  Thank you so much for being willing to send them to me.


@Dave, thanks for the note from your personal experience.  I had a feeling that was the case with the switches, but wanted to know for sure.  Thanks for measuring a switch, so now I know how I should treat them.  I just might have to plan on modifying the switch or a curve to get the purity of a circle.  We'll have to see how things go with crossovers and such as I begin again to design.

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