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Just a heads up on FASTRACK. I have a large layout 6-700 ft-35 FT Turnouts total. I have always soldered feeders to the underside of the track-Never a problem. I know Lionel wants us to buy terminal sections HOWEVER I expanded an area recently. I went to solder a couple of feeds on 5 inch or half  sections. NO GO. To save my *** I could not get the wires to take.Even tried sanding a spot with emery cloth-NOPE. The metal seems like aluminum or some other type of tin. No big deal just soldered feeds to another area Just seemed unusual.I do love this Fastrack! ????? Nick

Last edited by rockstars1989
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I read an article on soldering yesterday. The guy claims he can solder to any metal. He said there are many different solder types, flux and heat. You would just need to find the right combo. One issue with FT is that if you use too high of heat, you will melt the track bed. I use ring crimp connectors around the track tabs on the bottom of the track. Just bend them straight, place the ring and bend them back. Biggest issue with Fastrack (aside from the noise) is the pins. They can get loose and lose connection between sections. There’s a Lionel video on addressing this.


Last edited by George S

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