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This foam molded "stone" retaining wall material was made in Columbus, Ohio but I found it as far from there as the Timonium

train show.  Calls to Columbus hobby shops turn up nobody who stocks it and the possibility the guy who made it might now be

in a retirement center.  I have used a lot of it as good, three dimensional "stone" wall material for buildings...Hobbylinc apparently does not have it, nor does, I don't think, MicroMark.  I have gotten it discounted from two sources before (it ain't cheap and you use a lot in an O scale building)....but am not now sure it is still out there?   It was available in several different stone patterns, which made for variety.  Is this stuff still being made?

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The man's name was Douglas Goodsell and the product was Feather Lite Scenic Railroad. I met him and his layout at Timonium in the early 90's. The layout was 90% constructed of foam products. I purchased his book which is mostly about building small layouts. I did a web search and found several hits, but no website. I know Scenic Express ( carries some of their products under the FeatherLite Model Railroad Masonry systems. If link doesn't work go to and "Shop by Manufacturer"


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