Attached is a copy of a layout (20' 10" x 15' 10") I'm currently looking to get operational in my basement. If I'm successful in pulling this off, it will be my first operational layout since a 4'x8' layout I had as a kid back in the 50s and 60s. I started a layout about 5 years ago, but I never got it fully operational due to a move. I'm invested in Atlas O track due to the previous layout (I actually got to the start of track laying).
This layout is an inverted U-shaped layout in my basement which has heat and air. The layout is based on my childhood growing up in central PA along the Susquehanna River wit the PRR running thru my town. The outside loop is a combination of O-72 and O-81. The next loop is O-72. The inner loops and the elevated loop (blue) are O-63. I plan to install a 36" backdrop along Walls A and B. Most of Wall A will be a rural PA scene with mountains to the left moving into hills/mountains extending on Wall B. I'm considering add a 2.5% grade to the outer loop and O-72 loop along the walls with a tunnel in the corner. For the elevated loop I'm looking at Bridge Boss or TrainWorx for a possible solution.
I'm looking for any suggestions, hints, feedback, etc. from more experienced modelers. Thanks for your feedback