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Attached is a copy of a layout (20' 10" x 15' 10") I'm currently looking to get operational in my basement.  If I'm successful in pulling this off, it will be my first operational layout since a 4'x8' layout I had as a kid back in the 50s and 60s.  I started a layout about 5 years ago, but I never got it fully operational due to a move.  I'm invested in Atlas O track due to the previous layout (I actually got to the start of track laying).

This layout is an inverted U-shaped layout in my basement which has heat and air.  The layout is based on my childhood growing up in central PA along the Susquehanna River wit the PRR running thru my town.  The outside loop is a combination of O-72 and O-81.  The next loop is O-72.  The inner loops and the elevated loop (blue) are O-63.  I plan to install a 36" backdrop along Walls A and B.  Most of Wall A will be a rural PA scene with mountains to the left moving into hills/mountains extending on Wall B.  I'm considering add a 2.5% grade to the outer loop and O-72 loop along the walls with a tunnel in the corner.  For the elevated loop I'm looking at Bridge Boss or TrainWorx for a possible solution.

I'm looking for any suggestions, hints, feedback, etc. from more experienced modelers.  Thanks for your feedback



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The outer two loops are not connected to the inner track and there is no directional change.  You are "STUCK" traveling the same direction.  

The inter-track also has no directional change and not physically connected.  There are only two spurs.

The most major issue and question is: The layout is way too wide for reach to access.  You do NOT want to climb on top for any reason.  Far too inconvenient.  You will hate yourself later.  Trust me.  Been there done that have the T-Shirt.  Can you access from all sides?  Can you reach everything without climbing?

If you arrange the track in this manner do plan to where you will cut out access holes so that you may reach ANY point on the layout within 30 inches maximum reach.  This is the most over-repeated mistake in O scale.

Please watch this video:

In addition, there are several layout design tips on the Glacier Line YouTube channel woth watching.

You have a GREAT area, larger than most folks have, and have the potential to have a really great layout.  I believe that you may discover that you will be bored with this one because it doesn't do much more than circle.  If you just want to sit back and watch them loop, this will work.

If you want some interaction and railroad operation this is not a good plan.  Ultimately, it is entirely up to you as to what you want to do.

Do you want strictly a toy layout?  Do you want a realistic layout?  A combination of the two?  Does your railroad have a theme?

The most important element missing from a vast majority of layouts in my 45 years of experience is interaction with the trains.  It is much more fun and interesting to actually be part of the operation than just be a idle bystander.  Maybe you just want to watch?

The three major elements in layout design are: Plausibity, Purpose and Participation with the last being the most important.  It is what keeps any layout fresh and interesting.  The fact that it's missing from far too many layouts is exactly why many are dissatisfied with their layouts.

I'd say that my two cents but its more like twenty bucks worth!  :-)


Are you up against any walls?  Your blue line will need 3+% grades to clear the lower tracks.  There is no connection between the inner loops to the outside loops.  Are you planning any reversing loops?  The track spacing at the center of the U between the innermost tracks looks to be less than 4.5".

How big a room are you in?  Did you consider around the wall layout in full or part?


PS. Would you post your file?

Jan/John C/John H,

Thank you for the valuable feedback.  I'm going to continue to play with the layout to incorporate some of your suggestions.  I am concerned with access, so I need to work that hard.  I'm able to do an around the wall layout on the two walls noted, but not anywhere else due to windows, doorways and needed access to other rooms in the basement (which can't be incorporated into the layout).

Jan -- I've attached the RR Track file.




Thanks for doing this.  I've been playing with the layout off and on today and I did add a reversing loop.  I like your changes and I will incorporate into my revised layout.  I really appreciate the help.  I'm truly a novice at this and will certainly reach out on this forum as the layout progresses.  I plan to use DCS and I've been doing a lot of research on this to include buying and reading Barry's book (3rd Edition), but still lots of questions to work through in addition to be very nervous about this portion of the build.

Once again thanks.


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