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I'm sure someone has run in to this problem many times before but I haven't been able to find any other threads on the issue. What I need to do is span 3ft but with no pillars, pylons, etc. I also only have 1/2in on the underside of the track to do it with. This will be supporting a legacy Big Boy so, of course, it's also heavier than most. I had hoped that there might be a miniature I-beam manufacturer but they all seem to be ABS plastic, not metal. I think a threaded steal rod might be the next best bet but again, I fear it will flex too much.


Anyone have any thoughts or suggestions?

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   Is this for a door crossing lift out section?  I made one for a 30 inch door from 3/4 inch plywood with side girders on top of the plywood. Mine was curved and I made the side girders shallow just to act as guard rails but for a longer span they could be taller or even arched like bridge trusses. Here's a shot of it in operation.......DaveB



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  • liftout4

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