Russ and Merlin1280,
Searching for SCARM on this forum site may not produce much because most times, the only clue is the attached file. I know that several layout builders have included several iterations of their proposals for comment or critique, but they appear as file attachments and I'm not sure a search finds those. I also don't know how long the forum holds on to those old threads.
I know you can find some O gauge examples on the SCARM website, and I make it a habit of "grabbing" a copy of every SCARM file I can, but sometimes I get overwhelmed with this and everything else I try to grab off the web. I just recently found a Youtube video downloader which allows me to keep a copy of train videos (model or real) that can be found there.
Further, from this site, I grab track plan picture files (jpg etc), track plan pdf files and any other track plan file (rrt, any, etc) generated by planning software, even if I don't have that software yet, because you never know when those files might become useful. As a result, I have a small array of other members' plans, but most are only identified by the forum member's name and the description they used. I do all of this because things disappear from the web all the time, but only disappear from my storage if I choose to make it so, or if I choose not to back up that storage.
Hopefully, Merlin1280's effort to create a thread that just holds SCARM drawing files will work and people will post their efforts. I, for one look forward to seeing plans that I might have missed before.